Event Authorization Form Instructions

Recognized Student Organization Guidelines

A PDF version of the Event Authorization Form: Recognized Student Organization Guidelines is available by clicking here.

General Guidelines

  • Completed forms are due to the Office of Student Life 14 days prior to any event requiring completion of the Event Planning Form.
  • Only one form per event needs to be filled out, but the social chair and advisor for each organization participating must sign the form before it is turned in.
  • At least one event manager from each participating organization must be identified. If alcohol is included, event managers must remain sober while carrying out their duties during the event.
  • If transportation is being provided (personal vehicles or chartered buses), a completed Student Liability Release and Waiver form is needed for each participant.
  • If travel is out-of-town and overnight, a Domestic Travel Waiver needs to be completed by each participant.

Step-By-Step Instructions for Completing the Form

Section A
  • Date you are filling out the form and the name (By) and position (President, Social Chair, etc.) of the person completing the form
    as well as the President’s name and position from the organization completing the form.
Section C
  • Date & Location of Event and the start and end time of the event. If you are traveling out of town or overnight each
    individual/participant must complete a Domestic Travel Waiver Form. Completed forms must be turned in to the Office of
    Student Life before the group leaves campus. If travel is overnight and outside of the United States, an International Travel
    Waiver needs to be completed by each participant.
  • Title and purpose of event should include the type of event as well as the theme (festival, concert, speaker, etc.).
Section D
  • Complete Special Effects section as needed/applicable. If special effects are used, Environmental Health and Safety and
    Fire/Health/Safety need to approve. For large, complex events the attendance of a Fire Marshal and EMS crew may be
Section E
  • Complete information regarding food and beverages at event. Note that if alcohol is going to be present, you must complete the
    third page of the form, the Alcohol Management Plan. If no alcohol will be present, you only need to complete pages 1-2.
Section F
  • Provide details on providing security for the event.
  • For all on-campus events consult with Public Safety about if and how many Public Safety officers or professional security are
    needed to staff the event.

Section G
  • Provide the Name, ID number, and telephone number for the event managers and advisors for each participating organization.
  • The Location Manager should complete their name and contact information.
Section H
  • The person responsible for managing the space where the event will take place must review this form and sign this section. If
    alcohol will be served or present the Location Manager should also review the Alcohol Management Plan with the Event
    Manager at the time they sign the form.
Attestation by Event Sponsors and Advisors
  • Signature approval from the event manager/social chair AND advisor from each participating organization must be included in
    this section. If an advisor is unable to sign the form itself an email approval will be accepted but it must be received by the 14
    day deadline for the event approval.
  • The advisor needs to clarify with the event manager/social chair what their role is in the event (they are aware of the event,
    approve it based on the fact it has been planned according to organization and school policies, and will work with organization
    members and college officials to follow-up with any issues that may occur that are not in accordance to the College’s policy).
Alcohol Management Plan*
  • This page is only required for events where alcohol will be present, but must be fully completed for those events to be approved
    and must be done prior to submitting the plan for approval by Public Safety or the Office of Student Life.
  • For the amount of alcohol being served, if it’s being provided by a third-party vendor, note that it will be per-purchase.
  • Be as detailed as possible about the methods being used to assure people under 21 will not possess or consume alcohol and to
    make sure members 21 and older do not overindulge. You should include methods provided by the vendor or hired security if
    applicable as well as the presence of sober monitors and officers to also monitor members and ensure compliance. Mention the
    use of guest lists as well. Make sure this plan is reviewed with the presidents, social chairs, and advisors of each participating
    organization so there is a clear understanding of the security measures being taken by all involved parties.
  • The name of the person preparing the plan should be included at the bottom along with their signature and date.
  • Once all of the above information is completed on the form, the form MUST be taken over to Public Safety for Captain Reese
    to sign-off on. If he is not present you can leave the completed form with him, he will get it signed and delivered by the next
    business day to the Office of Student Life for final approval. DO NOT wait until the day the form is due to take it to Public
    Safety to sign, please make sure you are allowing 1-2 business days prior to the due date for this signature.
  • Final approval for Graduate Student Association events must be given by the Graduate School (3rd floor, Randolph Hall).

*Reminders from the College of Charleston Student Handbook Section 16. Procedures for Events with Alcohol On and Off Campus
Hosted by Student Organizations

Off-Campus Events with Alcohol
  • No student organization-sponsored event that includes alcohol shall exceed four hours.
  • A method of identifying participants under the age of 21 must be in place during the event.
  • The event must be a BYOB or at a location with an approved liquor license. If BYOB, the limitation is one six-pack of beer or
    one liter of wine per participant.
  • Arrangements for the presence of security officers (Public Safety, City of Charleston, or a private security company) must be
    made at least two weeks in advance or according to the Greek Life Risk Management Policies. Security officers must be present
    at all times. The organization is responsible for all related costs. The signature of a security official is required.
  • No personnel, including security is to be paid in cash for working the event. Policies have been established for payment of all
    personnel. See the Administrative Assistant in the Office of Greek Life to arrange for payment.
  • Non-alcoholic beverages and unsalted food for fifty (50%) percent of anticipated guest attendance must be available at every
On-Campus Events with Alcohol
  • No student organization-sponsored event that includes alcohol shall exceed four hours.
  • Under NO circumstances are alcoholic beverages to be sold by the sponsoring organization.
  • This policy is for beer and wine only. No distilled spirits are permitted at any College of Charleston function sponsored or cosponsored
    by student organizations on the College of Charleston campus.
    SPONSORED EVENTS” is required.
  • A method of identifying participants under the age of 21 must be in place during the event.
  • The event may be a BYOB or the student organization may contract with a third-party vendor to serve and/or sell alcoholic
    beverages at approved functions and locations. The third party vendor will be restricted to the amount of alcohol to be
    purchased, the service method, the number of drinks per individual and the time frame of service. These determinations will be
    made on a case-by-case basis. If BYOB, the limitation is one six-pack of beer cans (not bottles) or one liter of wine per
  • Arrangements for the presence of security officers (Public Safety, City of Charleston, or a private security company) must be
    made at least two weeks in advance. Security officers must be present at all times. The organization is responsible for all related
    costs. The signature of a Public Safety official is required.
  • No personnel, including security is to be paid in cash for working the event. Policies have been established for payment of all
    personnel. See the Business Manager for Student Life to arrange for payment.
  • Campus areas designated for consuming alcoholic beverages at a student-sponsored event are: 58 George St (Sottile Garden),
    Cistern, Stern Center Gardens, Tailgate Area of the TD Arena and P Parking Lot (located behind fraternity housing off
    Wentworth Street).
  • Non-alcoholic beverages and unsalted food for fifty (50%) percent of anticipated guest attendance must be available at every